Thursday, January 31, 2008

Full of Courage

A man full of courage is also full of faith.

No Explanation needed on the quote :) Enjoy.

Things have been going pretty good. Around home I've had some issues going on that involve the roommate, and my stress level, but it appears like I will be living alone again in less than 90 days. I've been trying to get up the courage to ask the roommate to leave for quite sometime, well I finally did, and I'm pretty relieved. I just am not looking forward to the possible disruptions she will cause in the next 90 days. I'm praying she acts like a mature adult.

Foodwise I've been doing good. I've been staying within my points, I used a couple flexies, but nothing big, I think I still have 32 left for the week. I've been getting in my 8 GHG's and all that good stuff, so I think I am doing well. Exercise, I went on tuesday for a 15 minute workout instead of the 20 minutes I normally do because I was crunched on time. Tonight I am not going to to go, I have some stuff I have to stay at work for (computer changeover), so I will hit the gym tomorrow night, for my first February workout! Starting tomorrow I am going to up my workouts from 20 minutes total to 25 minutes, so I will get a couple more sprint intervals in there :)

Other than that, things have been good, nothing really new to report. Hope you guys are enjoying the few new muffins recipes.

Until next time, I hope everyone is healthy and happy! Have a good one!


Take One Stripper Pole said...

Good luck with the roomie for the next 90 days ... hope it goes as well as possible. Isn't it a pain when work gets in the way of exercise. School is crazy this week and I do not want to even think of cardio.

noelle said...

Sorry you are having trouble with your roommate. Those issues were the worst as I recall. Then again I was usually the evil roomie! I've grown up a lot since then!

Good for you for staying OP and upping those workouts. You are awesome!!!