Friday, June 13, 2008

"It's more important to know where you are going
than to get there quickly."
- Mabel Newcomber

Wow! I didn't realize the last time I posted was on Sunday, sorry! It's amazing how this time of year, I just manage to stay busy in general.

Fear not though, I haven't fallen off the wagon. I've had a good week. Eating has been OP and as I have been trying to do, I've eaten some Activity Points. I've earned 23 out of my goal of 25 this week so far, and I think the last two will just be a nice walk with Duke tomorrow.

The exercise has been difficult this week though. For some reason I haven't been sleeping well, so I'm tired during the day. Plus on top of that, it's been crazy hot, and my allergies have been acting up. So nonetheless, I really had to push through that to get exercise in this week, but I did. So I am pretty proud of myself for that.

On Wednesday Night I went to the gym, and they were running on minimal power (we had bad storms here, and alot I mean ALOT of people were without power for 3-4 days, I was lucky, I was only out about 24 hours). Well on a hot day, with no air conditioning, the gym isn't a fun place to be, but I pushed through it, and I got my run in. Sort of a NSV for me, because in a previous life, I would've just went home when i seen how hot it was in there!

As far as weigh in goes, this week, I'm not expecting much. I'm just hoping I can maintain, but I will likely see a gain. Hell, I lost 5.2lbs last week, what do I expect? Rebound gains are the norm for me after a loss like that. So I'm just keeping my fingers crossed for a maintain, that would be lovely, and would mean I am still only 1.8lbs away from close I can taste it.

Anyways, I'm gonna go catch up on your blogs right now. I hope you have FAB weekends, I'm gonna pick some strawberries...YUM!


Fatinah said...

what a great NSV!!

WWSuzi said...

Glad you had a great week and way to go on exercising without A/C!! Have a great weekend ;)

Anonymous said...

i was wondering where you were! good job working out in that kind of heat, knowing me i would have probably walked right out. i don't deal with heat well.

TB--Milwaukee said...

Great to keep busy this time of the year!

That quote really fits our neck of the woods. We've had so much rain, there are detours everywhere due to flooded roads and you can't get anywhere fast these days.